Professional Development Training
The Employee Development and
Professional Development (EDD) Program are an essential part of the Human Resources Management. This Program helps employee's to understand and respond appropriately to changes in the organizational culture.
As one of the most important component of HRM, EDD is very crucial for the success of the Human Resources Management. The success of the Human Resources Management can be directly determined by the productivity, efficiency and well-being of the employees. EDD helps employee to grasp the core issues such as succession planning, change management, team building activities, conflict resolution, work allocation, work style assessment and consultation, and training.
There are many benefits of employee skills development. These benefits include better skills, motivation, commitment and leadership, but also it provides for a faster development. An employee may learn new skills by simply joining a team, participating in a training program or just doing routine training. But if the employee has the required skills, he/she may benefit from Professional Development Training.
In Learning Process a process, skill or concept is broken down into its basic components, and the development of each skill is realized through various techniques and strategies that deal with this process. It also includes exercises to evaluate the competencies in areas such as: Problem Solving, Problem Solving Techniques, Problem Solving Processes, Communication, Decisiveness, Leadership, etc. To implement the Training Program, a good learning process needs to be structured such that the employees in the program have a clear understanding of the training activities.
Often the performance evaluation done at the end of the training programs is a reflection of the experiences that the employees had during the training program. It also includes feedback on the current performance and feedback about their future expectations and plans. Feedback to the employees after the program makes it easier for them to build their confidence and adapt to the new environment.
Although there are many benefits of training programs, there are still many ways by which the training programs are implemented. The goals of the training program should be clearly stated and the Training program should be aligned with the organization's existing learning strategy.
A successful program is one that satisfies the needs of the employee. It should be designed in such a way that the goals of the employee can be met. Before launching the training program, the organization should consider the strengths and weaknesses of the employee. Also consider his/her experience level, learning preferences, personal learning style, prior education, current job satisfaction, and communication styles.
Employees also have different preferences. For example, an employee with communication abilities, may not be interested in conflict resolution activities. Another employee may be more interested in self-development, while another may like to be involved in a team-based training program.
The training program should be aligned with the organization's learning strategy for the HRM program. An organization has many learning styles, so the learning process should also be flexible to fit the employees' learning style. One should also keep in mind that different learning styles to create different expectations and motivating messages and thus it is important to provide training according to the employees' needs.
The development of the employees' skills also takes place in the training programs. A good program should integrate all the learning-related activities in the curriculum. When the employees are engaged in the training programs, it is also important to train them in such a way that they can apply the knowledge to their work.
A workplace is not a static place, therefore it should be developed as per the employees' needs. All employees must be aware of their role in the work and the roles of others in the workplace. They must be able to distinguish the roles of other employees in the workplace and they must also be aware of their contribution in the workplace.
Employee Skills Development and Professional Development (EDD) Program can be a great way to manage the professional skills of employees and also in enhancing productivity. All employees should be involved in the program and it should be open to the employee to participate in the training sessions. With all the above benefits, the program will certainly improve the skills of employees and help them to take better care of the business.